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U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT) Alcohol Screening Test Technician (STT) Training

Buy DOT Alcohol Screening Test Technician (STT) Training - See Pricing

What is an Alcohol Screening Test Technician (STT)?

The alcohol Screening Test Technician (STT) is a person who instructs and assists employees in the alcohol testing process and operates an alcohol screening device.

The STT plays a vital role in the success of the DOT alcohol testing program. The STT directly interacts with the employee and instantaneously provides the employee with an alcohol screening test result. As such, the STT must be knowledgeable and proficient in the testing procedures. Our training gives you the knowlege you need!

How Can I Become a Screening Test Technician For DOT Alcohol Testing?

How do I become qualified to be an alcohol Screening Test Technician (STT)?

To become qualified as an STT, you must be knowledgeable about Part 40 regulations and DOT agency regulations (applicable to the employers for whom you will perform alcohol tests), and you must keep current on any changes to these materials.  You must also (1) successfully complete a Qualification Training proram and (2) pass a monitored Proficiency Demonstration, as required by DOT regulations.

STT qualifications are not location/collection site specific and their eligibility will follow the individual anywhere DOT Agency regulations require an alcohol test.


Alcohol Screening Test Technician (STT) Course Information:


Synopsis - Course Overview


Basic Information


Qualification Training


Proficiency Demonstration


DOT BAT Refresher Training


DOT Error Correction Training


"Train the Trainer" Training


The testing procedures for alcohol screening test specimens as outlined in 49 CFR Part 40 are very specific and must be followed whenever a DOT-required alcohol test is requested by the employer. These procedures, including the use of the Federal Alcohol Testing Form (ATF), apply only to DOT-required testing.


The DOT requires technicians to fully understand the regulations and follow the established testing procedures. As he DOT fully expects technicians to be familiar with specific parts of the regulations. Therefore, we specifically train on the following.

Course Contents Include:

  • Alcohol Testing Personnel
  • Testing Sites, Forms, Equipment and Supplies Used in Alcohol Testing
  • Alcohol Screening Tests
  • Alcohol Confirmation Tests
  • Problems with Alcohol Testing
  • Roles and Responsibilities of Service Agents
  • Public Interest Exclusions
  • Alcohol Testing Form


DOT Screening Test Technician (STT) Training

Synopsis - Course Overview

Our STT training is composed of 3 parts:

Basic Information

Qualification Training

Proficiency Demonstration

Each of these three class components can be purchased seperatly or combined in our Complete STT Training Class which covers all three aspects of trainng required by the DOT.

Our STT training enables technicians to fully understand the regulations and follow the established testing procedures.  With our training you will become familiar with specific parts of the regulations. Specifically, you will be trained on the following:

  • Alcohol Testing Personnel
  • Testing Sites, Forms, Equipment and Supplies Used in Alcohol Testing
  • Alcohol Screening Tests
  • Alcohol Confirmation Tests
  • Problems with Alcohol Testing
  • Roles and Responsibilities of Service Agents
  • Public Interest Exclusions
  • Alcohol Testing Form



Basic Information

What will I learn from this training?  From our training, you will:

  • Gain knowledge about he DOT workplace alcohol misuse prevention rules.
  • Become familiar with evidential breath alcohol testing devices and the functions that they perform.
  • Understand and be able to conduct breath alcohol test according to the DOT alcohol testing procedures rule.  This includes:
    • Properly instructing donors on the procedures for screening and confirmation tests.
    • Being able to interpret and record alcohol test results.
    • Circumstances under which records are maintained, and limitations regarding disclosure of these records to unauthorized persons.  



Qualification Training

DOT regulations only require individuals to be qualified before they perform any DOT alcohol tests.  Only individuals (not collection sites) wanting to act as STTs may become qualified to conduct DOT alcohol tests.

Our STT qualification training includes the following:

  • Instruction using the DOT model STT course
  • Knowledge about Part 40 alcohol testing procedures
  • Knowledge in the operation of the alcohol testing device to be used
  • The STT’s responsibility for maintaining the integrity and credibility of the testing process, ensuring privacy of the employees being tested, and avoiding conduct or statements that could be viewed as offensive or inappropriate.

Your alcohol Screening Test Technician training instructor is a fully qualifiedand experienced STT instructor.  The course material is taught either in person, by internet video conference or througth web-based content.

PLEASE NOTE:  The DOT requires that the Proficiency Demonstration occur within 30 days of the qualification training.  An individual is not qualified to act as an STT until both the qualification training and proficiency training are successfully completed.



Proficiency Demonstration

After successfully completing the qualification training program, the STT-to-be must complete five (5) consecutive error-free mock tests.  Our instructor has prepared real-life scenarios for each of these tests.  In your Proficiency Demonstration, our instructor will help you successfully demonstrate the following:

  • Ability to respond to the device’s messages, commands and displays
  • Actions to take when an error message or malfunction occurs with the device
  • Ability to conduct an air blank or the knowledge that an air blank has been conducted (when aplicable)
  • Identify and explain actions, you as the technician will take when the device does not function properly
  • Explain when a check of external calibration check is required, if applicable to the device being used, and identify the procedures used to perform the check
  • You will perform a self-check test to demonstrate knowledge of and proficiency on the use of the Alcohol Screening Device (ASD).

These mock tests portray real-life events.  These tests are directly observed in real-time by the instructor, allowing for direct interaction between you and the instructor who facilitates the mock collections to be error-free.

The portion of the Complete Alcohol Screening Test Technician Training Coures satisfies the DOT requirement for proficiency demonstration and must be completed within 30 days of completing the “Qualification” training. It is provided as a “live” internet Skype, Zoom, Google Meet, etc. or face-to-face conference with a fully qualified trainer. After you have completed the “Qualification” training please call Transmetron at 801-596-2709 to schedule your Proficiency Demonstration. The proficiency demonstration usually takes 2 to 3 hours to complete. You will receive instructions on how to set up a free Skype account and your computer must have a web-cam feature or an attached web-cam for video transmission.

Buy DOT STT Proficiency Training


DOT STT Refresher Training

The DOT requires that every qualified STT must go through refresher training every five (5) years in order to remain eligible to conduct DOT alcohol tests. As per DOT regulations, our refresher training content is equivalent to your initial training and proficiency demonstration content.  The DOT expects that you stay current with any changes to the DOT regulations and not wait for the refresher training to learn about them.


Error Correction Training

When an alcohol Screening Test Technician makes a mistake in the alcohol testing process that causes a test to be cancelled (i.e., a fatal or uncorrected flaw), the DOT requires the STT to undergo error correction training. This training must occur within 30 days of the date you were notified of the error that led to the need for restraining.

Our Error Correction Training is conducted by a fully qualified alcohol Screening Test Technician instructor who documents your proficiency.  This training is “custom tailored” to meet your specific requirements for Error Correction, covering only the subject matter area(s) in which the error that caused the test to be cancelled occurred.


Buy DOT BAT Error Correction Training


DOT Alcohol Screening Test Technician (STT) "Train the Trainer"

Transmetron offers the most comprehensive qualification training program available for DOT Alcohol Screening Test Technician trainers/monitors. This Train the Trainer course includes the full STT online course, plus the additional TRAINER module.

This convenient online "Train The Trainer" course is intended for those who wish to become qualified as an alcohol Screening Test Technician Trainer to act as the Qualified Monitor for other STTs.


This course also includes all documents and forms from the Screening Test Technician training course, plus many additional documents/forms for the Monitor/Trainer to utilize in training others.


Note: STT Trainers must be trained as qualified alcohol Screening Test Technicians, including completion of the proficiency demonstration. This course provides in-depth training in the DOT rules & regulations and STT procedures -- and the training and certificate are both good for five (5) years!


After completion of Transmetron’s online STT Trainer course, you are eligible to receive an additional discount on the purchase of our online STT Training courses for students that you train. If you wish, you may resell the courses.


Our online DOT Alcohol Screening Test Technician Training Courses allow your STT students to complete the required rules and regulations training at their own pace, making your job easy! All you need to do is verify completion for each student (after taking this course, they will have a certificate as proof). And then the Trainer simply completes the five required mock tests (the STT proficiency demonstration) with the student.



Transmetron's Online STT Train-The-Trainer Course prepares the learner to act as the “Qualified Monitor” for other alcohol Screening Test Technician students in the future. The Certification is good for 5 years.


After completing our online alcohol Screenng Test Technician Train-The-Trainer Procedures course, the STT Trainer student must complete their STT training according to the DOT rules. This includes completion of their own proficiency demonstration with a qualified monitor within 30 days of completing the online procedures course.


After completing your own “Trainer” training, all you need to do for each person you wish to train (or re-train) as an Screening Test Technician DOT alcohol tests is:


1 - Purchase our online STT procedures course (you'll get these at a huge discounted rate!),


2 - Then within 30 days of their completion of the online STT procedures course, get together with them and complete their proficiency demonstration class.


All of the forms and documents you will need are included for you to save/print when you take our online STT Train-The-Trainer course.


Bonus! You will also receive an extremely detailed Trainer/Monitor Class Instruction Document that outlines how to run your proficiency demonstration class with your STT Students -- to ensure compliance with the Federal Regulations.



We are your "Training Partner"!


We provide this ongoing assistance to you because we realize that to be fully proficient or knowledgeable; you will later experience a variety of real-life collection issues that cannot all be covered in your initial training. So... when the "odd" or "unusual" happens to you for the first time during a collection and you are not certain of the correct action to take, call us. We are here to help you!


Most Popular Courses


Training Process (for most classes)
  1. 1.  Look thru our selection of training options below and choose the class or classes that are best for you.


  2. 2.  Order and pay for your training class or classes


  3. 3.  You will receive an email confirmation of the training, along with pre-class study materials.


  4. 4.  For web - internet based training, you will receive a link to the on-line training course (passkey is required).


  5. 5.  For classes that require mocks in real time (DOT: UDS, BAT & STT), you must schedule your web cam mock observation by calling 801-596-2709.


  6. 6.  Upon completion of the class requirements, you will receive a Certificate of Training showing that you have been certified!


Complete Class Listings