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Complete Urine Drug Screen Collector Training

Buy Complete Urine Specimen Collection Training - See Pricing


Complete Urine Drug Screen Collector Training (non-DOT) consists of two parts: Urine Drug Screen Collector Training and Rapid Urine Drug Screen Training. Both are an important part of employment and workplace screenings. As a collector, you will perform urine specimen collections for drug and alcohol testing, pre-employment, post-accident, return-to-duty testing, and more. With our training, you can become a certified drug screen collector. We offer urine drug testing certification through our online training!

In order to perform urine specimen collections, you need to complete professional qualification training. Transmetron's online course offers complete training in urine collection, rapid drug screening, chain of custody and lab sample preparation.

Synopsis - Course Overview


Urine Drug Screen Collector Training


Rapid, Multi-panel Drug Test Cup Training


Certified Urine Specimen Collector Training

Synopsis - Course Overview

A urine specimen collector is a person who instructs and assists employees at a collection site, who receives and makes an initial inspection of the specimen provided by those employees, and who initiates and completes the Chain of Custody Form. The drug screen collector has direct, face to face contact with the employee/subject. Without the collector ensuring the integrity of the urine specimen and collection process, the test itself may lose credibility.

Our web-based urine drug test collector training course for non-DOT urine specimen collections covers all aspects of the urine drug screen collection process as well as rapid drug screen device procedures, chain of custody, and lab sample preparation.

Contents Include:

  • Site preparation
  • Donor Identification
  • Custody and control forms (CCFs)
  • Procedures for urine collection
  • Monitored and observed collections
  • Rapid (instant) drug test device use
  • Interpretation of instant results
  • Specimen integrity
  • Lab sample preparation

After satisfactory completion of our Complete Urine Specimen Collector Training for non-DOT drug testing, you are fully qualified to perform urine specimen collections. You will receive your completion certification via email.

Buy Complete Urine Drug Screen Collector Training


Urine Drug Screen Collector Training

    In this comprehensive class for non-DOT urine drug screen specimen collections, you will learn:
  • The requirements for becoming certified as a urine drug screen collector
  • How to properly prepare your facility for testing
  • The step-by-step process for conducting a drug screen in accordance with strict urine specimen collection guidelines
  • How to interact with the donor and respond to various problem collection scenarios
  • All aspects of urine drug testing: preparation, chain of custody, specimen integrity, collection, confirmation of presumed positive results.

Online Training

This course meets the Urine Specimen Collector training requirements through our on-line webinar sessions. You may start or stop the presentation at any time and return to finish a section as needed. Once you have completed this course and received your certificate, you are ready start collecting urine specimens!

Buy only the Urine Drug Screen Collector Training


Rapid, Multi-panel Drug Test Cup Training

Transmetron’s course satisfies most manufacturer's training requirements for rapid drug screen collections, allowing you to perform urine collections for drug testing programs, providing rapid or instant drug screen results using CLIA waived urine screening devices. This course covers all aspects of rapid drug test use and procedures. This course includes: urine specimen collection procedures, testing procedures, procedures for reading and interpreting instant drug test results, reporting of instant results and preparation of presumed positive urine samples for lab confirmation.

Buy only the Rapid, Multi-panel Drug Test Cup Training


Please note: this non-DOT urine collector and rapid drug test training will satisfy the training requirement for most US states. Your state may require additional training and/or licensing in order to perform drug tests. Please consult your state to see their specific requirements. Information presented by our training is not, nor should be considered legal advice! It is always best to seek legal advice from a trained professional.


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Training Process (for most classes)
  1. 1.  Look thru our selection of training options below and choose the class or classes that are best for you.


  2. 2.  Order and pay for your training class or classes


  3. 3.  You will receive an email confirmation of the training, along with pre-class study materials.


  4. 4.  For web - internet based training, you will receive a link to the on-line training course (passkey is required).


  5. 5.  For classes that require mocks in real time (DOT: UDS, BAT & STT), you must schedule your web cam mock observation by calling 801-596-2709.


  6. 6.  Upon completion of the class requirements, you will receive a Certificate of Training showing that you have been certified!


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